International Islamic University Malaysia
Professor Abdul Wahab started his career with Hewlett Packard Singapore as a production engineer and was then given the post of R&D Project Manager since 1982. He has worked in Singapore and Colorado, USA prior to joining the faculty member of Nanyang Technological University, Singapore in 1990. In 2009 He joined the Kulliyyah of Information and Communication Technology, International Islamic University, Malaysia. Professor Abdul Wahab had published more than 100 conferences, Journal, patent and book chapters in areas of digital and optical computing, signal processing, Artificial Intelligence, and Neuroscience and computing. He has taught the digital system design courses, computer organizations and architectures, Research methodologies, industrial attachment coordinator. His areas of expertise covers digital system design based on reconfigurable logics, speech processing especially in the areas of speech enhancement, speech recognition and speaker identification, and integrating signal processing with Fuzzy neural networks (especially in the areas of cerebellum). His current research are in the areas of understanding and analyzing brain developmental disorder using the EEG and ECG as neuro-cardio physiological data modeling of the brain and the heart. Professor Abdul Wahab is also the board member of Mercy Relief Singapore since 2003 and was also the vice chairman of mercy relief Singapore from 2008 to 2012. In 2008 he received the Friends and goodwill award from the Singapore SOKA Association for humanitarian contribution and a long service award from the Ministry of Community Development and Sports (MCDS) on 2004. He was also the Winner of the Rotary – ITE Alumni Professional Achievement Award in 2003, which was also named as the Paul Harris Fellow of the Rotary Foundation of the Rotary International. In 2006 he was awarded the most popular teacher award in school of computer engineering, NTU. Professor Abdul Wahab was the advisor to the Singapore Malay Chamber of commerce (1989 – 1993). As chairman and supervisor to the IRSYAD School, Singapore, (1996 – 2000), he transform the school to a more English speaking, science educated students. He was also the Council member of Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (MUIS), (1997 – 2004).In 1993 to 1994 professor Abdul Wahab was the Consultant to OMNI DESIGN Singapore Pte. Ltd, for the design, development and project management of an ergonomic keyboards and a 3D pointing device and in 1994 – 1999, he was the Chairman to Technical Committee review SS337: 1989 – safety of information technology equipment including business equipment (TC 118/4/8R), SISIR, Singapore. |
Measuring Mental State based on Neuro – Physiological Interface of Affect using EEG Abstract : The lack of easily available psychological instruments to perform accurate prediction of mental health state, forces individual not to realize their state of mental health or brain developmental disorder until it is too late. The availability of Electroencephalogram (EEG) devices and its ability to measure and capture brain waves for analysis makes it easier for researchers to use them in understanding the functionality and state of the brain. The mobility and low cost EEG devices makes it attractive for researchers and managers to profile employees for a more effectives training needs. In the case of brain developmental disorder it becomes important to have early detection as early intervention can help individual to lead a more normal life. Here we show some of the examples of our researches and analysis in understandings the functionality of the brain through affective psychological understanding. The neuro-physiological interaction of affect framework allow us to analyze and predict behavior through personality traits, which provides new avenue and possibilities of profiling individual effectively. In addition unknown addiction problem and learning disbailities can also be detected for early intervention. |